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Category Blog

7 Creative Ways To De-Stress This November

November often feels flurry—holidays are on the horizon, days are getting shorter, and those year-end to-do lists just keep growing. For kids caught up in school work or adults balancing work, family, and holiday prep, it’s all too easy for…

Artzmania Chat With Goldstitche

We are thrilled to present to you the remarkable artistry of Goldstitche Handmade Jewelry, this month's featured brand is from Nigeria, making intriguing and one-of-a-kind jewelry from polymer clays.

ArtzmaniaNG Brings Montana Colors to Nigeria

Montana Colors (AKA MTN Colors) is a renowned spray paint/supply manufacturer with a wide range of product lines from multiple lines of high-end spray paint, to eco-friendly artist materials, to markers and accessories. MTN Colors was founded on the roots…

ArtzmaniaNG Chat With Dhoro Styles

We are excited to share with you our Artzmanian column where we spotlight Nigerian artists and their amazing works. Our first feature goes to Peter King Ubiebor popularly known as Dhoro Styles. With inspirations from contemporary urban cultures, street arts,…

To Go Hardcore or Stick with MTN 94? Here’s their Differences

Ever Wondered the Difference between the MTN 94 and Hardcore Spray Paint? Virtually every day we receive orders for spray paints, and the most common question we are asked is “what is the difference between the MTN 94 and the Hardcore spray paints?” We decided to talk about this today to make your purchases much easier.

Welcome to Artzmania NG Blog!

Artzmania NG is Nigeria’s foremost Artz & Craftz supplies store. We are passionate about fine art materials and the best craft items that help you unlock your creativity quickly. We stock a vast range, catering to the unique needs of every artist.