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Acrilex Blackboard Paint 37ml


Thinking of how to make your own blackboard with just paints? Save yourself the stress of buying blackboard by purchasing our water based blackboard paint and transforming that boring wall or plain wood you didn’t know held so much potential. 

See below for more Product and Usage information


  • Wash-resistant after cooking
  • Matte finish
  • Ready to use
  • Water-soluble


  • Apply a primer then apply at least two – three coats of the blackboard paint. Ready to use when dry.
  • Use a chalk paint or chalk to inscribe or write on your pseudo blackboard


  • On surfaces such as: wood, MDF, plaster, paperboard and cardboard apply the product on the part previously prepared with Acrylic Primer, Colourless or Purified  Varnish and wait for dry 24 hours. Only for decorative effect
  • To use over refractory surfaces, clean the surface, apply the paint and wait 24 hours to dry. After drying, you can take the item and place in the oven. pre-warm it for 30 minutes at a temperature of 150 oC. Turn off the oven and allow the item to cool completely before removing it
  • You can write with blackboard chalk after the finishing the item, to remove the chalk use a damp cloth or blackboard eraser
  • You dont have to place item in the oven


  • Paint to produce a blackboard effect. Can be applied on glass, ceramics, porcelain, faience, MDF, wood, paper, carton paper and cardboard.

COLOURS AVAILABLE : Blue, black, pink, green