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Get Your Kids Excited About Learning Again with these three Tips!

If you are reading this, it means you have an interest in engaging your kids better. We might not have the ultimate solution to their short attention span when it comes to school work, but we can assure you that these tips will aid their creativity, and yours too!

If you are reading this, it means you have an interest in engaging your kids better. We might not have the ultimate solution to their short attention span when it comes to school work, but we can assure you that these tips will aid their creativity, and yours too!

Incorporate arts and crafts into their weekly routine: Letting children find ways to get creative not only keeps them engaged, but it also fosters curiosity and exploration. Keep them engaged by letting them play with slime, finger paints, wax crayons and the cold porcelainair dry clay that allows them to mould just about anything. In this process, they develop the ability to play independently and enjoy activities that do not include a gadget. Haha, we know!

See what some #TinyArtzmaniacs created during the lockdown. (Insert pictures of kids art)

Don’t be afraid to let them get dirty: Instead of being bothered about them getting their pretty dresses and shirts dirty, see their creative moments as an avenue to bond and make memories. With the tempera gouache, finger paints and other kids craft items, your child is on his way to making the most beautiful mess, and creating sweet memories. Best part, you can join them while at it, and save pictures from those moments.  Dirty hands, Cheerful hearts should be the mantra! 

Have a creative corner in the house stocked with arts and crafts supplies: Having a space in the house dedicated to creating helps your child decode that you prioritise creativity, and it helps them see the importance as well. It doesn’t have to be a whole room. A corner in the room will do just fine. But let them see it and let them visit it at least once a week. 

Not sure what to stock for your kids just yet. We have kid- safe – watercolours, paintbrushes, washable paints and drawing books, kids art set and a host of other kids supplies that you will find very useful. Don’t forget to tag us on IG and use the hashtag #TinyArtzmanians for a feature of your child’s art.